Blog: P2P
Create a new post on your blog with the above title. In your post, cite at least one of the assigned readings and answer the following questions:
- What is file sharing?
- What is P2P File sharing?
- What are some examples of P2P file sharing?
You must cite at least one of the assigned readings.
File sharing is defined as being able to offer access to different sets of data at different levels of sharing privilege. An example of this would be sharing a google docs file with giving the person you are sharing with very limited access to the file.
P2p File sharing seems to have the same concept as file sharing, but getting the information or access to different data seems to be a little more technical. As I read more about P2P file sharing, I learned that if you have a computer and want access to a file, you have software that can connect to different computers and search for the data that you need. This will work especially well within a company because all computers are connected via the same internet and if you need a file from a peer, the software can run its course and obtain the file. In the article "The BitTorrent Effect" they give an actual application of P2p File sharing. BitTorrent allows users who download the applications to access a variety of shows and movies. Rather than taking hours to download a movie, you can just upload it because the application already has the movie on it. You can spend minutes uploading a movie rather than hours and that makes everything more efficient.
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