Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds
Virtual worlds are the future of entertainment and interaction. As mention in the Forbes article, "After Second Life, Can Virtual Worlds Get a Reboot?" stated that 2 billion users worldwide with 1 billion of those accounts being kids ages 5-15. It is especially popular with kids because it can foster creativity and a create an environment where their parents have no bounds. The different ways you can use virtual words are limitless. Some examples include, rehabilitation, hang out areas, games, etc.
After reading the two articles I really believe that the pros outweigh the cons. According to the NY times article "Iv Been in That Club, Just Not in Real Life" the author wanted to go to a cafe to see a band, but once there she was disgusted with her experience so she left. She went home and rejoined the show but virtually. This is one of the pros that I wanted to discuss and it related to the current pandemic times. Now that people will be well aware of the risks and dangers of going to clubs or music shows, they will be more inclined to attend a show virtually. As Virtual worlds get more advance, it will make the experience all the more realistic. In a business perspective, this will make hosting events a lot cheaper for businesses without the capital to rent out a large venue. There are also cons to virtual worlds as well. I think that the lack of human interaction and loss of touch with the real world will become major problems. There are people who crave in person human interaction, so virtual worlds are not meant for them. Losing touch with reality is also a risk. There will be people who use these virtual worlds so much to the extent that they may not want to leave their homes and just stay online.
Though there are the pros and cons of virtual worlds, I believe that the possibilities of different worlds are endless. You can create an infinite amount of games to be played, entertainment platforms, and business can utilize these worlds to promote their businesses. I think that the future of virtual worlds will be beneficial for gamers, kids, and even the elderly. As virtual worlds require little to no movement and risk of going outdoors, elderly people can even enjoy different events that they normally would not go.
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