BLOG: Blog v Wiki
Create a new post on your blog with the above title. In your post, answer the following questions.
Compare and contrast blogs and wikis. Comment on the importance of convergence in today's networked world. How can blogs be used for collaboration? Can you think of a new use for a wiki that has not been done yet?
Cite at least 2 readings relating to Blogs and/or Wikis
The difference between a blog and a wiki is that a blog is a blog is created and updated by a person or business while a wiki is basically an open library. Unlike a wiki, a blog is updated so that it tailors to what the person or business has in mind. The wiki is exponentially different in the aspect where anyone can update the information to what they like. It is a collaborative library where the information can take any turn. It does not follow the morals of a business or a person. A blog is also very opinionated. For example, if you were to be writing a blog about a company that you work for, the blog will most likely talk in a way where the company is looked at in a good light. A wiki, however, will almost never be opinionated unless the person writing the wiki is trying to help said company. Aside from what a blog and a wiki contains, they are also managed very differently. A blog will not have to be continuously updated unless there are changes that the author wants to implement. A wiki will continuously update whether the original creator likes it or not. Since it is an open library, the information can change even a minute after it is updated.
The similarities between a blog and wikis is that they are both vital for information sharing. For example, a company that creates their own wiki or their own blog will benefit from both of the informations provided. The blog will provide a better review about the company while the wiki will limit any question repetition that may happen. Though a blog may be more opinionated, both a blog and wiki still need to maintain an integrity to provide the best information that can be given and this may be through providing links in both.
I believe that in todays world, you will often see information that is very similar between many websites and the same goes for blogs and wikis. Information is very accessible which means that people will be posting the same information on their respective blog or wikis. Information spreads very fast through today's networked world, so I believe that it is better to admit that working together and figuring out information with each other is more important than who can find out information the fastest.
I believe that wiki can also be used in a similar way that corporate uses for their internal wiki's. Classes in all grade levels can create a wiki that can used for studying for a test. A person in the class can create a wiki and everyone can work on a really big study guide that can be used to study for a test. A teacher can also use this as well to make sure that all their student will do well.
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